Datastreams Getters, Setters and Events
The datastreams are the basic entity to model data inside a device. Datastreams are divided in:
- Datastreams Getters: Datastreams modelling data with read access.
public interface DatastreamsGetter {
String getDatastreamIdSatisfied();
List<String> getDevicesIdManaged();
CompletableFuture<CollectedValue> get(String device);
- Datastreams Setters: Datastreams modelling data with write access.
public interface DatastreamsSetter {
String getDatastreamIdSatisfied();
Type getDatastreamType();
List<String> getDevicesIdManaged();
CompletableFuture<Void> set(String device, Object value);
- Datastreams Events: Datastreams modelling data that trigger data events.
public interface DatastreamsEvent {
void registerToEventSource();
void unregisterFromEventSource();
void publish(String deviceId, List<String> path, Map<String, Map<String, Map<Long, Object>>> events);
This layer abstract different data sources modelling them as datastreams, easing the access to read, write and send events.
::: tip When a new data source is identified try to abstract the hardware access in a new API in the hardware layer and create a new datastreams abstraction using the defined hardware API :::
Implemented datastreams data sources
The following data sources are implemented and abstracted as datamodels:
- ADC: Device ADC pins.
- Device Info: Information about the device as CPU, Memory, Clock, Software…
- GPIO: Device GPIO pins.
- I2C: Data inside I2C devices (sensors and microcontrollers).
- Modbus: Data measured by connected devices through Modbus protocol.
- MQTT: Data measured by connected devices through MQTT protocol.
- IEC104: Data measured by connected devices through Iec104 protocol.
- OPC UA: Data measured by connected devices through OPC UA protocol.
A simulator datastreams implementation is provided to simulate data with debugging and demonstration purposes.