Counter Manager

How to create your own counters

Import counters in your bundle

You have to get the counter manager bundle in your code. For this you can create a new CounterManagerProxy in your file, like this:

Create your own counters

For creating your own couter you have to create a new class that extends from, create an enum for your configured counters and save a reference to counter manager. This is an example:

public class TestCounters extends Counters {
    private static CounterManager counterManager;

    public enum TestCounterType {
        private String m_name;
        private TestCounterType (String _nameString){
            m_name = _nameString;
        public String getCounterString(String type) {
            String res = m_name;
            if (type != null)
                res = res.replaceAll("type", type.toUpperCase());
                logger.warn("operation type is null");
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                logger.trace("counter string retrieved: " + res);
            return res;
    public TestCounters(CounterManager _counterManager) {
        TestCounters.counterManager = _counterManager;
    public static void incrCounter(TestCounterType counter, int number) {
        counterManager.incrementCounter(counter.m_name, number);
    public static void incrCounter(TestCounterType counter, String type, int number) {
        counterManager.incrementCounter(counter.getCounterString(type), number);


As you can see in the example above you can put a replace token in your counter for creating variable counters.

Adding counters in your code

For adding counters in your you simply have to call the static methods that you have create in your counter class:

TestCounters.incrCounter(TestCounters.TestCounterType.TEST_COUNTER_SIMPLE, 1);

TestCounters.incrCounter(TestCounters.TestCounterType.TEST_COUNTER_REPLACE, "ANY_TYPE", 1);

Logging counters

To be able to register your counters in its corresponding log file, counters must be added to file inside conf folder. For the example above file counter.propertiers will look like this: