
This multi-module contains services used by other bundles in ODA.

Implemented services


Serialization is a common feature to communicate to other local or global systems where different serialization formats may be required.

A common serialization API has been created to call these services, independently of the required format:

public interface Serializer {
    byte[] serialize(Object value) throws IOException;
    <T> T deserialize(byte[] value, Class<T> type) throws IOException;

Currently, two serialization implementations are provided:

  • JSON
  • CBOR

To add a new serialization format, just implement the Serializer interface contained in core module and register the service in the OSGi registry

Scada Tables

This bundle is used by the IEC104 datastreams bundle. It defines the information needed to translate variables retrieved from a SCADA system to ODA events.

Zip Compress

This bundle allows to manage .zip files (compress and decompress).