

With this implementation, the rules written in JavaScript have to be deployed into a directory specified by configuration.

Nashorn implementation will refresh its internal register of the current rules if a rule is deployed during runtime. To do this, rules related to a datastream have to be deployed into a directory with the name of the datastream into the deploy directory specified by configuration.

If no rule is refreshing the data of a datastream, a basic rule will refresh its value with the received value.

During the engine, the datastreams can be checked as refreshed and as sendImmediately:

  • Refreshed: This option represents that the value was already changed in the state that the rule engine is using and isn’t necessary to change with the base case, because is probably that the data has been derived.
  • Send Immediately: This option represents that the value, received or the derived by it, have to be sent to the third system when all the rules have finished.

It’s important to know that the rules can have conflicts if them overwrite a data that a previous rule has changed in the current state. The rules have not established order, so it’s impossible create the rules with an order in mind.

The same rule can be applied to different datastreams. To achieve this we must name the directory where the rule to apply is stored, with the different datastreamIds we want to affect, separated by the character ‘:’


We want to apply rule.js to the datastreamIds Id1 and Id2. To do this, we must create a folder named Id1:Id2 and put the file rule.js in this directory.

We can also apply more than one rule to the same datastream. We can have more than one javascript file inside the folders. If a datastream is contained in the folder name, all javascript files inside that folder are going to be applied to that datastream.

There is a series of common methods that we can apply in rules that are preloaded for every rule. These methods are stored in the file utils.js that is stored in folder defined by parameter utilsPath. We can load another javascript file from within a rule with the instruction load(“javascript.js”) in the rule. The file javascript.js must be stored in the folder defined by parameter utilsPath. This allows us to define a javascript file with methods that are used in different rules.


  • Core Commmons: Provide the basic API of the configurable bundle and an interface of a generic State Manager that the Engine can use to handle the rules.
  • Event API: Provide the API of the internal events that use ODA to handle it.
  • Rule Manager API: Provide the API of the Rule Engines that this module will implement.


To configure Nashorn Rule Engine module, a file named es.amplia.oda.ruleengine.nashorn.cfg must be created with the next parameters:

  • path: Required parameter. Path from the main directory of the ODA to the directory of the rules.
  • utilsPath: Required parameter. Path from the main directory of the ODA to the directory where javascript files with utils for rules are stored.

An example of the es.amplia.oda.ruleengine.nashorn.cfg file would be:


In this example, the ODA directory would be: /path/to/the/oda/directory. And the directory to the rules (inside the ODA directory) would be: /path/to/the/oda/directory/rules. This means, the path that the ODA would need is only path/.

:::tip When specify the rule path, is important write the final bar of the directory. This is because the internal implementation wait that bar to append it to the specific datastream directory. :::