
Functions of Utils.js

Here they are collected all the functions that utils.js provide to use in the rules.


Getting values

Function: Get the last value from the historic of a datastream in DatastreamValue object format.
Input: Actual State of data (state) to use its operations and the metadata (deviceId and datastreamId) of the datastream that function have to get last value.
Output: The last value of the specified datastream in DatastreamValue format.

Function: Obtain from the State the Object Value associated with the datastream id that is passed by parameter.
Input: Actual State of data (state) to use its operations and the metadata (deviceId and datastreamId) of the datastream that function have to get last value.
Output: The last value of the specified datastream in Object format with the class of the value.

Handling datastream value object

Function: Get the datastreamId (String) from a DatastreamValue object.
Input: DatastreamValue object that the function have to get its datastreamId.
Output: Datastream id of input DatastreamValue.

Function: Get the deviceId (String) from a DatastreamValue object.
Input: DatastreamValue object that the function have to get its deviceId.
Output: Device id of input DatastreamValue.

Function: Obtain the real value of passed DatastreamValue Object.
Input: DatastreamValue object that the function have to get its value.
Output: Real value of the DatastreamValue.

Adding values

Function: Change the last value of a existing datastream, using a DatastreamValue object as input to change the value. Input: Actual state of the stateManager (state), a String that specified the device id (deviceId), a String that specifies the datastream id (datastreamId) and new DatastreamValue for that datastream (value).
Output: Refreshed state with the new value set as last value of the datastream.

Function: Change the last value of a existing datastream, using a real value in simply format (boolean, string, integer, etc.) as input. Input: Actual state of the stateManager (state), a String that specifies the device id (deviceId), a String that specifies the datastream id (datastreamId), a String that specifies the feed (feed) and new value for that datastream (value).
Output: Refreshed state with the new value set as last value of the datastream.

Function: Change the last value of a existing datastream, using a real value in simply format (boolean, string, integer, etc.) as input. It allows to specify the time of the datastream. Input: Actual state of the stateManager (state), a String that specifies the device id (deviceId), a String that specifies the datastream id (datastreamId), a String that specifies the feed (feed), the time to set in the datastream and new value for that datastream (value).
Output: Refreshed state with the new value and time set as last value of the datastream.


Function: Filter the value between a minimum and a maximum (both included) and return a true if and only if value is between.

  • value: Object Value that we are filtering.
  • min: Minimum value that we are expecting from value.
  • max: Maximum value that we are expecting from value.

Output: True if and only if value is between min and max, false in another case.

Function: Filter the value under a maximum value (including that value) and return true if is less than max.

  • value: Object Value that we are filtering.
  • max: Maximum value that we are expecting from value.

Output: True if and only if value is less or equals than max, false in another case.

Function: Filter the value over a minimum value (including that value) and return true if is less than min.

  • value: Object Value that we are filtering.
  • min: Minimum value that we are expecting from value.

Output: True if and only if value is less or equals than min, false in another case.

Function: Filter the value under a maximum value and return true if is less than max.

  • value: Object Value that we are filtering.
  • max: Maximum value that we are expecting from value.

Output: True if and only if value is less than max, false in another case.

Function: Filter if the value is the specified and return true if is exactly than data.

  • value: Object Value that we are filtering.
  • data: Value that we are expecting from value.

Output: True if and only if value is the specified, false in another case.

Function: Filter the value over a minimum value and return true if is more than min.

  • value: Object Value that we are filtering.
  • min: Minimum value that we are expecting from value.

Output: True if and only if value is more than min, false in another case.

Function: Filter if the value exists in a list of values and return true if it exists.

  • value: Object Value that we are filtering.
  • expected: Array of values that we are expecting from value.

Output: True if and only if value is in expected, false in another case.


Function: Add a quantity to the actual value. To create a new Object Value, we need the state, that is the Java object that handle that creation.

  • state: State object that we will use to create the new Object Value.
  • value: Object Value that we want to add the quantity.
  • quantity: Quantity to add to the value.

Output: New Object Value with the real value modified.

Function: Subtract a quantity to the actual value. To create a new Object Value, we need the state, that is the Java object that handle that creation.

  • state: State object that we will use to create the new Object Value.
  • value: Object Value that we want to subtract the quantity.
  • quantity: Quantity to subtract to the value.

Output: New Object Value with the real value modified.

Function: Multiply a quantity by the actual value. To create a new Object Value, we need the state, that is the Java object that handle that creation.

  • state: State object that we will use to create the new Object Value.
  • value: Object Value that we want to multiply by the quantity.
  • quantity: Quantity to multiply the value.

Output: New Object Value with the real value modified.

Function: Divide a quantity by the actual value. To create a new Object Value, we need the state, that is the Java object that handle that creation.

  • state: State object that we will use to create the new Object Value.
  • value: Object Value that we want to divide by the quantity.
  • quantity: Quantity to divide the value.

Output: New Object Value with the real value modified.


Function: Like a Ternary Operator, return a value if the condition is true and another value if the condition is false.

  • condition: bool value that control what value will be returned in a new Object Value.
  • deviceId: String with the deviceId of the Object Value.
  • datastreamId: String with the datastreamId of the Object Value.
  • feed: String with the feed of the Object Value.
  • valueTrue: value what be set in the created Object Value if condition is true.
  • valueFalse: value what be set in the created Object Value if condition is false.
  • state: actual state to use its functions to refresh its data.

Output: New Object Value with the new value, valueTrue if condition is true and valueFalse if condition is false.

Function: Check if a datastream is registered in the state.

  • state: Current state of the State Manager.
  • datastreamIdRequired: Id of the datastream that we are looking for.

Output: Return true if the datastream is in the state and false if not.

Function: Mark the datastream to send immediately when all rules are resolved.
Input: The device id (String) and the datastream id (String) of the datastream that function have to mark.
Output: Nothing, only refresh the state data.

Function: Reads the content of the file indicated
Input: The path of the file we want to read.
Output: The content of the file concatenated in a string.

Function: Mark the datastream as error.
Input: The device id (String) and the datastream id (String) of the datastream that function have to mark.
Output: Nothing, only refresh the state data.