This connector enable communication via HTTP Protocol.
Only allows to send data to the OpenGate platform. Operations can’t be received.
This module requires the following modules:
- Core Commons: Provides many interfaces that this module will use.
- HTTP Communications Module: Needed to create the HTTP client.
- Device Info Provider: Needed to know the Device Id of the device that are running the Agent and the API Key to access to OpenGate. Both data are required to achieve a connection with OpenGate and transferred data will have the deviceId in its metadata.
To configure HTTP connector, a file named es.amplia.oda.connector.http.cfg must be created with the next parameters:
- host: Required parameter. Specify the direction of the third system the connector have to send the data. ’localhost’ is a good host to do tests with.
- port: 80 by default. Port though the connector have to connect to the host.
- generalPath: Required parameter. General path of the URL where the connector have to send data.
- collectionPath: Required parameter. Last section of the URL where the connector have to send data.
- compressionEnabled: false by default. Specify if the data sending have to be encoded to GZIP to be sent to the third system.
- compressionThreshold: 512 by default. Specify what size have to has the data sent to third system to be encoded if compressionEnabled is true.
The format of URL used to send data is …/‘generalPath’/‘deviceId’‘collectionPath’
In other words, es.amplia.oda.connector.http.cfg will have the content:
And can run with the following minimal content:
Source Code
You can check the source code here