

ODA internal events are objects created with the value tag of Lombok.

This internal objects are created to notify a new value to the state manager and are handled by the state manager or the rule engine, depending on the state manager implementation that we will use.

The event object will have the next parameters to specify the information of the event.

The Event is defined as:

public class Event {
    private String datastreamId;
    private String deviceId;
    private String[] path;
    private String feed;
    private Long at;
    private Object value;
  • Datastream ID is the id of the datastream which has changed and created an event to notify that change to the state manager.
  • Device ID is the id of the device that contains the changed datastream.
  • Path is the way to arrive to the device which contains the datastream.
  • Feed indicates the origin of the datastream.
  • At is the timestamp of the moment the event was created.
  • Value is the new value that the datastream has collected. If a rule engine is included, it is possible that the value saved into the state manager will be different to the arrived value.